Don’t Blame The Computer!

poster frame

I was working on a project for more than three months, spending more than 18 hours at my office everyday.

I almost became one of the office furniture or the office signs or the plants there. Everything went well until yesterday when I lost the project presentation on my computer.

You stupid PC! It wasn’t in the folder where it was supposed to be. It wasn’t in the temporary files folder, neither on the desktop nor in “my documents”. I searched every single possible folder on my PC. It was nowhere! It just disappeared into thin air.

Desponded I called a friend of mine who is an expert computer user. Hopefully he could stop by.

Come on! The same things happen to me all the time: either I search a document or couldn’t solve a problem on my computer, he finds a solution in seconds as if he is performing an illusion. I was thankful that he helped me out yesterday but a bit jealous.

On my way to the office to present my project to the board members I decided to have a thorough grounding in computer but not only as a daily user.

Call it selective perception or whatsoever, I saw an ad of a computer users’ workshop on solving frequently encountered problems in a poster frame at the main entrance of the next door electronic retailer. It just fell into my lap. Unbelievable! Usually computer classes teach you on programs’ usage. It’s unmissable.

laptop partly open

I enrolled in the workshop right after I presented my project. I left the office as happy as a clam at high tide ‘cause the presentation went well and the next day I would break my luck and become a computer problems guru.

When I got there, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

She was sitting at the rear row, the girl I always see in the 20×30 poster frame of the bookstore I used to shop. My heart palpitated. I enjoyed the best of both worlds: becoming a computer problems guru and meeting the woman in my dreams. My eyes would no longer search for her in poster frames.

I would never imagine that I would write my blog while she was there with me and that I wouldn’t call my friend upon a computer problem! Computers do what we tell them to do; not what we want them to do for sure.

Next time don’t blame the computer when you lose your file.


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