Why you need to walk your sales floor every day

Why you need to walk your sales floor every day.

Monday, June 12, 2017

If you care about your retail outlet (and we know you care deeply), walking your sales floor every day is a priority.  Before you open the doors, you need to survey your domain, ensuring that what the customer sees is what you want them to see.

Why you need to walk your sales floor every day is to take note of the details can make a huge difference to your bottom line.

The entrance.

When you stand in the front entrance of your door, the first 5 – 15 feet is known in retail merchandising as the decompression zone.  It’s here that busy shoppers are encouraged to take a breather and look around.

Your job is to make sure people in the DZ are unimpeded in their access to the rest of your store.  Is it free of clutter?  Is it easy to get into the store from this area?

Review your signs.

As you walk your sales floor, you should be checking to see that all items are in place.  While you’re doing that, it’s also important that you review your signage.  Is it all where it’s supposed to be?  Has some of it seen better days?

Keeping your signage fresh and professional keeps your outlet looking good.  Leaving up soiled signage, or failing to notice misplaced signs looks sloppy (and we know you run a tight ship).

Check your displays.

Displays are a key feature of your store.  They represent opportunities to showcase signature products and present your shoppers with a unique experience of what your selling.  It’s imperative that these not only be kept presentable and in good order, but that they be rotated regularly to maintain customer interest.

Crisp, engaging displays are your bread and butter.  They’re what can make or break you, so take the time to make sure they’re the best they can be on your daily sales floor walk.

Point of sale.

Your cash register is much more than the place customers pay.  This area is often the site of impulse purchases, before sales floor purchases are rung up.  Seize the opportunity by maintaining this area’s vigor, regularly refreshing offerings at the point of purchase to keep your shoppers interested.

The display behind the cash counter is another detail you need to think about.  Displays here are what customers are looking at as they’re preparing to walk out with their purchases, so keep them thinking about what you’re selling.   Products in this display should incite curiosity, make customers an offer, or share information about an impending sale or in-store happening.

Displaysmarket.com – POP your sales floor.

Displaysmarket.com has been in the business of providing high-quality point of purchase display products since 1993.  We’re innovators who bring you a world of exceptional POP supports at our one-stop online store.

Why you should walk your sales floor every day is that you want your store to the best of its kind.  You want it to succeed and flourish.  Contact Displaysmarket.com for outstanding POP products that help make it happen.

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