The Best Places to Display Your Brochures

The Best Places to Display Your Brochures

You invest a lot of time and even some of your precious marketing funds into creating an appealing brochure that really relays your unique selling proposition to prospective clients, but if you don’t make your brochure accessible, you’re missing out. Showing off your brochures in strategically chosen spaces and using appealing displaystands can help spread the word about your business and ensure your hard work is being seen.

In general, spaces where people wait, where there is heavy foot traffic and anyplace people congregate for an event are good choices for displaying your brochures. Which locations are best for your unique business? We’ve created a few good starting points below, based on responses from customers and marketing research. Try one or more of these techniques to increase your marketing ROI when it comes to brochures and to generate awareness and buzz about your brand.

9 Clever Places to Display your Printed Brochures

In your own office or place of business: It’s a natural starting point, but some people skip over it entirely. Placing a stand with brochures about your ancillary services at the checkout point or in the waiting room makes it easy to upsell customers who are already there. Whether you add a brochure about your new photo-facials in your medi-spa waiting room or have a stand promoting your newest set of dog training lessons at the checkout stand at your pup treat bakery, you can market your other services to your existing customers.

At complementary businesses: Create an arrangement with other local businesses that sell products that complement, but don’t compete with yours. Your natural foods and soaps brochure will be right at home at the yoga studio, while the local coffee shop could be an ideal place to display your book or knitting store brochures. Creating reciprocal arrangements with local vendors can help you target customers that are already interested in similar services without directly competing for business.

At special events: Whether your town has an annual Peach festival, a county fair or other big, local event, your brochures need to be there. If you have a presence there, then a brochure stand can help build awareness of your brand and give visitors something to take away with them. If you are not exhibiting, spaces where people wait to buy tickets, enter or even go on rides can be good places to display your brochures.

In your building: If you have an office or location in a mall or building, displaying your brochures in vestibules, by the elevator or where people congregate can help you spread the word. People coming to your building to see one business may not even know you are there, so this is an easy way to alert them to your presence.

Conferences and trade shows: when you attend a show, bring more brochures than you think you need with you. You’ll be able to send them home with visitors, particularly if you add them to a promo gift bag or pair them with another item. A simple but elegant display stand allows prospects to take your brochure even when you’ve stepped away or are with another client.

Include with every mailing: If you are sending an invoice, thank you note, greeting card or any other communication, include one of your brochures outlining everything you have to offer. In most cases, you’re already paying the postage and you’ll be making the recipient aware of your other services, too.

Local Industries: The local Welcome Wagon, your Chamber of Commerce and even real estate offices are great places to display your brochure. These places specifically target newcomers and are good central locations for information for local businesses.

Hotels, Campgrounds and RV Sites: These cater to people visiting the area, if you offer a service or product a visitor or tourist could use, then these are ideal site for your brochure. Advertise your retail shop, restaurant or even emergency dental services to those who are visiting your area but don’t actually live there.

Daycares, gyms and churches: Cater to parents and kids? Then these locations will put your brochure right in front of busy parents and families. Whether you offer kid’s art classes, sell boutique clothing or provide tutoring services, one of these locations could help you find local clients when you display your business cards or brochures.

The Bottom Line

  • Your brochure only pays off if people see it
  • Put your brochures where people wait or kill time

  • Get creative when it comes to local brochure display

Getting your brochures out there is an important part of the marketing process and will help you increase your overall ROI. To learn more about displaying the brochures and printed pieces you’ve worked so hard to create, check out our line of elegant and versatile displaystands designed to showcase your materials and grab them the attention they deserve.

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