Whether you own a large retail store or a small boutique shop, you must optimize your retail space to efficiently and productively sell your items and draw customers in your store. Using graphic displays is an excellent way to do that. However, you must use the space wisely and create marketing messages that will appeal to your customers.
Distinctive window displays, sidewalk signs and in-store displays will help direct traffic to your store and entice customers to buy your products. One of the most important things that you will need to do when it comes to your displays is to create a clear and targeted message that will reach your customers. So, how can you do that? Use these tips to design exceptional marketing displays.
Know Your Customer
The first thing that you will want to do when creating your graphic displays is to think about who your target customer is. This is critical in developing an effective target message for your customers. You must identify primary demographic data like age, education level, sex and income. But, it is important to go deeper. What are their lifestyles and behaviors? You can determine this by doing some research. Comb through your point-of-sale system for customer data. These histories can reveal so much. Use those insights to create marketing message that will appeal to your clients.
Look for Inspiration
According to Entrepreneur, it is essential to be on the look-out for new ideas and to update your displays on a regular basis. Doing this will help keep customers interested. It can be difficult to come up with ideas for marketing displays. Fortunately, there are plenty of ideas on the internet. Look at blog posts, message boards and more. Pinterest and StumbleUpon are both great resources for finding inspiration. Choose ideas that will interest your target market.
Less is More
It is important to be short and to the point when designing graphic displays. Simple, well-designed displays work best for advertising. People’s attention spans are short, and customers are in a hurry. This fact is particularly the case for millennials, according to Forbes. To attract the attention of this particular demographic, you will need to make sure that your marketing message is succinct and to the point. Avoid overcrowding your display and edit your display copy to eliminate fluff.
Make Fonts That are Easy to Read
With so many different fonts to choose from, it can be hard selecting the right one for your display. The most important factor to consider when deciding on a font is how easily it can be read from a distance. If customers cannot read your displays, then they will not do any good. Easy-to-read fonts are especially important when targeting aging baby boomers.
So, make sure that fonts are clear and bold. Avoid fonts that are fancy and curvaceous. These tend to be harder to read. Sans Serif Fonts, such as Verdana and Century Gothic tend to be excellent choices for displays. They are professional, bold and visible.
Choose the Right Colors
When building a retail display, color is critical. Certain colors have been found to influence consumers. According to Kissmetrics, 93% of customers are affected by color when it comes to marketing. If you know your target market well, then you can use certain colors to garner their attention. Navy blue and teal tend to draw in shoppers that are on a budget while pink and sky blue attract traditional buyers.
In conclusion, creating marketing messages that are effective for your retail display is easy with the following tips:
Know your customer
Look for inspiration
Remember less is more
Make easy-to-read fonts
For more information about retail displays, contact Displays Market. They offer high-quality retail signs, banners and displays at affordable prices.